Comparison of Literacy Interventions in the UK
Professor Greg Brooks study, "What works for children and young people with literacy difficulties" 2013, investigated intervention schemes for improving literacy skills of children and young people. His report studied almost 50 interventions aiming to improve reading, comprehension and spelling ability of students throughout the UK. A.R.R.O.W. is delighted to report that evidence provided by hundreds of learners showed A.R.R.O.W. Self Voice system achieved 'remarkable results' in all three areas; and in fact headed the tables given in the report for reading, comprehension and spelling.
It is stressed that results quoted are still being reported by schools and colleges currently undertaking training with A.R.R.O.W.
Report from Dr Mary Nugent, NEPS Project Eire
The NEPS team in Eire looked at the worth of various literacy interventions used by schools and colleges within Eire. The study showed that interventions could improve learners literacy skills. What was particularly interesting was that A.R.R.O.W. proved by far the most cost effective of those interventions included in the the study