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Is there any recorded evidence that A.R.R.O.W.® can help school children?

A.R.R.O.W.® Tutors are expected to provide evidence of their success with school age students. Results from 72 UK based A.R.R.O.W.® tutors helping over 600+ students have been analysed. Improvements shown follow a maximum of 10 hours of A.R.R.O.W.® work.

                             Average student age 10.9 years
Pre A.R.R.O.W.® reading age     Post A.R.R.O.W.® reading age  

8.6  years                                   9.3  years                           Avg Gain 8 months

Pre A.R.R.O.W.® spelling age     Post A.R.R.O.W.® spelling age

8.1 years                                    8.8 years                             Avg Gain 8months


Long Term studies show improvements are maintained across non-intervention periods and even further progress is made during later interventions.

Has there been any independent research?
Independent Research has been conducted by the School of Education at Exeter University and by NEPPS in Eire.  The Exeter University research involved all Year 6 pupils at a Bristol Primary School. A standard A.R.R.O.W.® 10 hour computer based program was followed using control and experimental groups.
                                   Year 6 students n=85
Pre A.R.R.O.W.® reading age              Post A.R.R.O.W.® reading age            
11.92 years                                         13.28 years              Avg Gain 1.36 years 

Pre A.R.R.O.W.® spelling age              Post A.R.R.O.W.® spelling age      

11.06 years                                         11.75 years              Avg Gain + 0.7 years

Pre A.R.R.O.W.® comprehension age   Post A.R.R.O.W.® comprehension age 10.39 years                                         12.27 years            Avg Gain + 1.88 years

NEPPS Research conducted by Dr Mary Nugent in Eire compared several recognised literacy interventions including Arrow. It was found that in terms of results gained, Arrow was by far the most efficient use of teacher time.




A.R.R.O.W.® in Schools/Colleges/Home

​A..R.R.O.W.® is an internationally recognised teacher-designed Self-Voice system being used with students of all ages and abilities. A.R.R.O.W. is under continual refinement by educators across many disciplines. The great success of A.R.R.O.W.® is centred upon several important features.

Students learn more effectively when listening to themselves. 

Evidence proves that the use of the recorded voice when linked to the inner voice greatly speeds up learning processes. Evidence from hundreds of students of all ages shows that they can average 8x normal progress for reading and 5x normal progress for spelling within 10 hours.


Economic advantages of A.R.R.O.W.®

An independent Irish study showed A.R.R.O.W. to be far more cost effective in terms of teacher time and results than any other intervention. A.R.R.O.W. set up/intervention costs are a few pence per pupil thus freeing valuable funding to be applied elsewhere.


Students can work independently within a group.
​A.R.R.O.W. work is graded from non-reader to University level. Some students as young as 5 years can operate A.R.R.O.W. independently. Once reading and spelling levels of a student have been established, learning is almost immediate.

Most students acquire the computer skills for A.R.R.O.W. within 3-5 minutes.

A Specialist Teacher or Teaching Assistant can therefore be helping a less able student 1:1 whilst overviewing 4- 5 other students on the A.R.R.O.W.® program. 

Do the students enjoy A.R.R.O.W.®?

Students comment most positively:
"'s like reading your own mind. It's amazing. I'm really getting there with my spellings for the first time ever."


Another pupil states "It likes injects it into your brain straight away."

​" I think it’s a lot better cause when you hear your own voice it’s like you understand it more better" P

​What are the views of tutors?

V​ikki Tasker, Deputy Headteacher Shaftesbury Junior School Leicester comments:
"Absolutely astounded by the results. Children and staff thoroughly enjoy it and I cannot envisage a time when we are not using it."

Kitty Garcia La Puerta School Trinidad
"I found the results remarkable and if this is the extent it can improve our children in a short space of time, I would definitely recommend it..."
Ilwyn Wilcox when a Headteacher  in South Wales comments on Year 6 improvements - in particular the lowest achieving child from the year:
"...excellent particular child improved 8 months in 10 hours and quite frankly, if I'd had that improvement in a year I'd have been's a combination of the Self-Voice, the programs, old fashioned teaching, the quality of the tutor, the full support of the school."
Dr Mary Nugent Senior Educational Psychologist

"In terms of the benefits of A.R.R.O.W. teachers overwhelmingly commented on the progress that students made in reading and spelling...the other main area of positive comment was about the student's enjoyment or pride in the work..."

​Home Use/Distance Learning


A.R.R.O.W. Centre Pupils

A.R.R.O.W.® has been used for many years as a Home Learning Tool. Pupil and parent(s) attend the Centre for one-day assessment and training before embarking upon home-based learning. A maximum of 3-5 visits to the Centre follow and these are usually spread across 6-12 months.

​Case Study UK

Sandra enrolled on a Distance Learning Program as a Year 6 student in a Birmingham Primary School. Parents had hoped she would qualify for placement at a selective Grammar School as did her brother. The school felt otherwise but could offer no additional support. After an initial assessment had been made at the A.R.R.O.W. Centre in Somerset,  Sandra undertook the Distance program in which she followed a prescribed work pattern and in total had three upgrade sessions at the Centre. Mother writes:
"Sandra's reading and spelling has shown a measurable improvement ...confidence and fluency in group reading has grown...she needs no prompting to complete her tasks and enjoys her laptop independence."
Across the three visits, Sandra made 32 months reading progress and 18 months of spelling progress. After course completion she both undertook and passed her scholarship examination to one of the most highly regarded schools in the UK. 

Case Study 2 Eire

" own daughter Ellen is 7 weeks into her first A.R.R.O.W. intervention. We had the parent/teacher meetings last night and guess what....??? Both her teacher and her reading support teacher are so impressed by her rapid recent improvement that they feel she no longer needs reading support! I wonder what may have caused that?"

Case Study 3
A parent in the UK with severe Dyslexia first used the approach with herself then with her daughter. She states:
"It gave Rebecca much more confidence and her spelling improved tremendously enabling her to get excellent GCSE results. I have myself progressed from typing very slowly with numerous errors to being able to take dictation with minimal spelling mistakes. It has also helped improve my attention/listening to the point where my husband has noticed a difference!"

​What about  Literacy Requirements? 

The curriculum content of the A.R.R.O.W.® program is based upon UK  literacy requirements. The A.R.R.O.W.® program presents a tightly structured combination of Synthetic/Analytic Phonics, High and Medium Frequency Words and Look Say learning strategies containing a high level of material repetition whenever required. Ages covered include early learners and pre-school children, adults of University level, and/or learners within the Armed Forces.

Can A.R.R.O.W.™ adapt to curriculum changes?
Yes. A.R.R.O.W.® is extremely adaptable. A.R.R.O.W.® develops its own programs. Existing programs can be modified and refined as required should the curriculum and its content be altered. In addition specific customised programs have been developed for trainers including NVQ students, British Sign Language Level 1 and Life Skills for Adults with Personality Disorders.

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